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Upcoming classes

Learn how birthing muscles work in perfect harmony – as they were designed – allowing you to experience your birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation and free of fear. Select a class date to get started.

Please contact Lisa for updated class schedule. Thank You!

Group classes are held at Family Centered Birth in Riverside and Movement Chiropractic in Temecula

Classes are taught in a 5 week series as required by the HypnoBirthing® Institute. Classes are 2½ to 3 hours in length. Classes start on time and end on time because I am respectful of your various schedules.

Learn how to have a natural, gentle, calm, and comfortable birth!  We talk about all aspects of pregnancy, labor, and birth.  We watch videos.  We work together to write a birth plan and learn how to work with your birth companion and/or doula to get your care providers to stick to your birth plan.  We practice comfort measures, relaxation techniques, and visualization.

It is absolutely possible to have a beautiful, peaceful birth in any setting.

Do you need a private class?  We can arrange private classes to be held at your home, at your convenience! Use my contact form to get more information on booking a class.

Private and Group Class Pricing

Class Price
Private 5-Week HypnoBirthing® Classes $600
Group 5-Week HypnoBirthing® Classes $400
Private HypnoBirthing® Refresher Class $160
Private Single Session Birth Class $150

My passion is to empower you with the education, tools, and support you need to have the birth you desire.